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Chlorophyll is a green photosynthetic pigment found in most plants, algae, and cyanobacteria. Its name is derived from ancient Greek: chloros = green and phyllon = leaf. Chlorophyll absorbs most strongly in the blue and red but poorly in the green portions of the electromagnetic spectrum, hence the green color of chlorophyll-containing tissues like plant leaves.

The chlorophyll is green and sour(chlorophyllin) for leaf and leaf the ester compound constituted by the green Chun(phytol, the C20 H39 Os) and methyl alcohol, its structure is:

The chlorophyll a, R=CH3;The chlorophyll b, R=CHO.

The chlorophyll of high etc. plant is all mixed by the chlorophyll an and the chlorophyll b and become.The chlorophyll an is a blue green, its molecular formula is C55 H72 N4 O5 Mgses;The chlorophyll b is green for Huang, molecular formula is C55 H70 N4 O6 Mgses.It is different of the R group that is knotted by the top of the 3rd carbon to connect, the chlorophyll an is a CH3, the chlorophyll b is a CHO.Usually six get plant chlorophyll a:The chlorophyll b=3:1;Green weed is 1.3:1;Brown Zao is 1.9:1.

Chlorophyll and photosynthesis

Chlorophyll is an essential component for photosynthesis, which helps plants get energy from light. Chlorophyll molecules are specifically arranged in and around pigment protein complexes called photosystems, which are embedded in the thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts. In these complexes, chlorophyll serves two primary functions. The function of the vast majority of chlorophyll (up to several hundred per photosystem) is to absorb light and transfer that light energy by resonance energy transfer to a specific chlorophyll pair in the reaction center of the photosystems. Photosystem II and Photosystem I have their own distinct reaction center chlorophylls, named P680 and P700, respectively. These pigments are named after the wavelength (in nanometers) of their red-peak absorption maximum. The identity, function and spectral properties of the types of chlorophyll in each photosystem are distinct and determined by each other and the protein structure surrounding them. Once extracted from the protein into a solvent (such as acetone or methanol), these chlorophyll pigments lose those distinctions and become a homogenous mixture of identical molecules.

The function of the reaction center chlorophyll is to use the light energy absorbed by and transferred to it from the other chlorophyll pigments in the photosystems to undergo a charge separation, a specific redox reaction in which the chlorophyll donates an electron into a series of molecular intermediates called an electron transport chain. The charged reaction center chlorophyll (P680+) is then reduced back to its ground state by accepting an electron. In Photosystem II, the electron which reduces P680+ ultimately comes from the oxidation of water into O2 and H+ through several intermediates. This reaction is how photosynthetic organisms like plants produce O2 gas, and is the source for practically all the O2 in Earth's atmosphere. Photosystem I typically works in series with Photosystem II, thus the P700+ of Photosystem I is usually reduced, via many intermediates in the thylakoid membrane, by electrons ultimately from Photosystem II. Electron transfer reactions in the thylakoid membranes are complex, however, and the source of electrons used to reduce P700+ can vary. The electron flow produced by the reaction center chlorophyll pigments is used to shuttle H+ ions across the thylakoid membrane, setting up a chemiosmotic potential mainly used to produce ATP chemical energy, and those electrons ultimately reduce NADP+ to NADPH a universal reductant used to reduce CO2 into sugars as well as for other biosynthetic reductions.

Absorbance spectra of free chlorophyll a (green) and b (red) in a solvent. The spectra of chlorophyll molecules are slightly modified in vivo depending on specific pigment-protein interactions.

Reaction center chlorophyll-protein complexes are capable of directly absorbing light and performing charge separation events without other chlorophyll pigments, but the absorption cross section (the likelihood of absorbing a photon under a given light intensity) is small. Thus, the remaining chlorophylls in the photosystem and antenna pigment protein complexes associated with the photosystems all cooperatively absorb and funnel light energy to the reaction center. Besides chlorophyll a, there are other pigments, called accessory pigments, which occur in these pigment-protein antenna complexes. They include other forms of chlorophyll, such as chlorophyll b in green algal and higher plant antennae, while other algae may contain chlorophyll c or d. In addition, there are many non-chlorophyll accessory pigments, such as carotenoids or phycobiliproteins which also absorb light and transfer that light energy to the photosystem chlorophylls. Some of these accessory pigments, particularly the carotenoids, also serve to absorb and dissipate excess light energy, or work as antioxidants. The large, physically associated group of chlorophylls and other accessory pigments is sometimes referred to as a pigment bed, though this term is losing prominence with the advent of detailed knowledge of the structural organization of the photosystem and antenna complexes.

The different chlorophyll and non-chlorophyll pigments associated with the photosystems all have different spectra, either because the spectra of the different chlorophyll pigments are modified by their local protein environment, or because the accessory pigments have intrinsically different absorption spectra from chlorophyll. The net result is that, in vivothe total absorption spectrum is broadened and flattened such that a wider range of red, orange, yellow and blue light can be absorbed by plants and algae. Most photosynthetic organisms do not have pigments which absorb green light well, thus most remaining light under leaf canopies in forests or under water with abundant plankton is green, a spectral effect called the "green window". Some organisms, such as cyanobacteria and red algae, contain accessory phycobiliproteins that can absorb green light relatively well and thus they can exploit the little remaining green light in these habitats.

Chlorophyll a is a large molecule that has a "head" called a porphyrin ring with a magnesium atom at its center.


Attached to the porphyrin is a long, insoluble carbon-hydrogen chain which interacts with the proteins of the thylakoids and serves to anchor the molecule in the internal membranes of the chloroplast. Chlorophyll a is the pigment that participates directly in the light requiring reactions of photosynthesis. Chlorophyll b differs from chlorophyll aonly in one of the functional groups bonded to the porphyrin (a -CHO group in place of a -CH3 group). It is an accessory pigment and acts indirectly in photosynthesis by transferring the light it absorbs to chlorophyll a. Alternating single and double bonds, known as conjugated bonds, such as those in the porphyrin ring of chlorophylls, are common among pigments, and are responsible for the absorption of visible light by these substances. Both chlorophylls a and b primarily absorb red and blue light, the colors most effective in photosynthesis. They reflect or transmit green light, which is why leaves appear green. The ratio of chlorophyll a to chlorophyll b in the chloroplast is 3:1.

Structure and Reactions of Chlorophyll


Chlorophyll is a green compound found in leaves and green stems of plants. Initially, it was assumed that chlorophyll was a single compound but in 1864 Stokes showed by spectroscopy that chlorophyll was a mixture. If dried leaves are powdered and digested with ethanol, after concentration of the solvent, 'crystalline' chlorophyll is obtained, but if ether or aqueous acetone is used instead of ethanol, the product is 'amorphous' chlorophyll.

In 1912, Willstatter et al. (1) showed that chlorophyll was a mixture of two compounds, chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b:

The two components were separated by shaking a light petroleum solution of chlorophyll with aqueous methanol: chlorophyll-a remains in the light petroleum but chlorophyll-b is transferred into the aqueous methanol. Cholorophyll-a is a bluish-black solid and cholorophyll-b is a dark green solid, both giving a green solution in organic solutions. In natural chlorophyll there is a ratio of 3 to 1 (of a to b) of the two components.

The intense green colour of chlorophyll is due to its strong absorbencies in the red and blue regions of the spectrum, shown in fig. 1. (2) Because of these absorbencies the light it reflects and transmits appears green.

Due to the green colour of chlorophyll, it has many uses as dyes and pigments. It is used in colouring soaps, oils, waxes and confectionary.

Chlorophyll's most important use, however, is in nature, in photosynthesis. It is capable of channelling the energy of sunlight into chemical energy through the process of photosynthesis. In this process the energy absorbed by chlorophyll transforms carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates and oxygen:

CO2 + H2O (CH2O) + O2

Note: CH2O is the empirical formula of carbohydrates.

The chemical energy stored by photosynthesis in carbohydrates drives biochemical reactions in nearly all living organisms.

In the photosynthetic reaction electrons are transferred from water to carbon dioxide, that is carbon dioxide is reduced by water. Chlorophyll assists this transfer as when chlorophyll absorbs light energy, an electron in chlorophyll is excited from a lower energy state to a higher energy state. In this higher energy state, this electron is more readily transferred to another molecule. This starts a chain of electron-transfer steps, which ends with an electron being transferred to carbon dioxide. Meanwhile, the chlorophyll which gave up an electron can accept an electron from another molecule. This is the end of a process which starts with the removal of an electron from water. Thus, chlorophyll is at the centre of the photosynthetic oxidation-reduction reaction between carbon dioxide and water.

Simple reactions of chlorophyll

Treatment of cholorophyll-a with acid removes the magnesium ion replacing it with two hydrogen atoms giving an olive-brown solid, phaeophytin-a. Hydrolysis of this (reverse of esterification) splits off phytol and gives phaeophorbide-a. Similar compounds are obtained if chlorophyll-b is used.

Overall reaction scheme for the hydrolysis of chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll can also be reacted with a base which yields a series of phyllins, magnesium porphyrin compounds. Treatment of phyllins with acid gives porphyrins.

Overall scheme for the reaction of alkaline with chlorophyll.

Extraction of chlorophyll from plants

In plants chlorophyll is associated with specific proteins, for example, chlorophyll-abinding proteins are referred to as CP I, CP 47 and CP 43. With improving biochemical techniques for use on the membrane systems there has been an ever increasing success in the isolation and characterisation of these proteins.

Initially, detergents are used to break down the membrane into fragments, and these fragments are further broken down by the use of different detergents. These detergents work by replacing the membrane lipids which surround integral membrane proteins. The resulting particles are separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (a standard biochemical method) in the presence of sufficient detergent to keep them 'solubilised'. The activity and polypeptide composition can then be assayed as the particle is purified. The detergents work by substituting lipids at different spots in the membrane, this is also affected by the concentration of the detergent. One such detergent that is very commonly used is SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide). This is generally used as it has several advantages over other detergents: the separation can be carried out fairly rapidly and it also gives a good overall picture of the distribution of chlorophyll.

Photosystem I - Fig. 2

Fig. 2 - Photosystem I showing the constituents of PS I-110 particles.

This figure shows a schematic representation of the major subfractions that can be isolated from thylakoid membranes. In PS I (photosystem I) an initial solubilisation produces large particles (called PS I-110). These particles contain two chlorophyll-protein complexes: the reaction centre chlorophyll-a protein (CP I) and a chlorophyll a+bcomplex (LHC I, light-harvesting complex) . PS I-110 also contains 6 to 8 polypeptides of lower molecular weight (8 to 25kDa, where 1 dalton=1 a.m.u.) that do not bind to chlorophyll, called Subunits II-VII. CP I, the reaction centre P700 chlorophyll-a protein, can be isolated from any of these mixtures by treatment with SDS (sodium dodecyl sulfate) or LiDS (lithium dodecyl sulfate) followed by electrophoresis.

Initial experiments done by Ogawa et al. and Thornber isolated two complexes by SDS-PAGE from SDS-solubilised membranes. One of these complexes, CP I, had a high apparent molecular weight and contained only chlorophyll-a. CP I is the most stable of the complexes and retained the photochemical activity of P700, the reaction centre of chlorophyll in PS I. It has a chlorophyll to P700 ratio of ~45 and a beta-carotene to P700 ratio of ~8.

The nature of the reaction centre of chlorophyll, P700, is still unknown, as there is conflicting evidence. It has been suggested that this could be explained if there is a pair of electronically interacting chlorophyll-a molecules in the ground (reduced) state (P700), and that the unpaired electron of the P700+ (oxidised) state is localised on only one of the chlorophyll's. The other 40 to 50 chlorophyll-a molecules of CP I act as antennas, and are thought to be responsible for the 721nm fluorescence emission maximum.

Photosystem II - Fig. 3

Fig. 3 - Photosystem II showing the constituents of BBY particles.

Improved extraction procedures gave oxygen evolving PS II (photosystem II) particles (BBY's). These particles are large pieces of granal membranes, probably lipid depleted. Other detergent treatments have been employed to isolate the core particles from PS II. These core particles contain two reaction chlorophyll-a proteins, CP 47 and CP 43 and several non chlorophyll binding polypeptides (D1, D2), but are free from chlorophyll a+bcomplexes. Core particles which retain manganese have been successfully isolated with the two chlorophyll-a proteins and a limited number of other polypeptides. CP 47 and CP 43 can be purified from the other components of PS II by the use of SDS-PAGE or HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography) but they have no photochemical activity in isolation.

In 1977, a minor chlorophyll-a complex was detected by SDS-PAGE. The complex was rather unstable a contained a much lower percentage chlorophyll than CP I and was named CPa. It was then discovered that CPa was really two complexes: by solubilising thylakoid membranes with octyl gluside (a detergent), Camm and Green demonstrated the presence of the two complexes. These complexes are now named CP 47 and CP 43.

The PS II reaction centre is significantly more complex than the reaction centre of PS I, where P700 is clearly localised on the green complex CP I. P680, the reaction centre chlorophyll of PS II, is difficult to determine because the P680+ Pheo- charge separation decays within a nanosecond. P680 is currently considered to be a chlorophyll-a dimer, at least in the ground state.

Porphyrin derivatives

Chlorophyll is essentially two parts: a substituted porphyrin ring and phytol (the long carbon chain). The porphyrin ring is an excellent chelating ligand, with the four nitrogen atoms binding strongly to a co-ordinated metal atom in a square planar arrangement. There are many examples of this including heme and vitamin B12.

Heme consists of a porphyrin similar to that in chlorophyll but with an iron(II) ion in the centre of the porphyrin. Heme is bright red. In the red blood cells of vertebrates, heme is bound to proteins forming hemoglobin. Hemoglobin combines with oxygen in the lungs, gills, or other respiratory surfaces and releases it in the tissues. In muscle cells, myoglobin, the name given to hemoglobin in muscles, stores oxygen as an electron source for energy-releasing oxidation-reduction reactions.

Vitamin B12 contains a cobalt ion at the centre of the porphyrin. Like heme, vitamin B12 is bright red. It is essential to digestion and nutritional absorption in animals.

Some other examples of porphyrin derivatives are shown below.

A porphyrin ring co-ordinating a copper ion , Beilstein registry number: 1168401).

Chemical structure

Chlorophyll is a chlorin pigment, which is structurally similar to and produced through the same metabolic pathway as other porphyrin pigments such as heme. At the center of the porphyrin ring is a magnesium ion. The chlorin ring can have several different side chains, usually including a long phytol chain. There are a few different forms that occur naturally:

Chlorophyll a

Chlorophyll b

Chlorophyll c1

Chlorophyll c2

Chlorophyll d

Molecular formula






C3 group






C7 group






C8 group






C17 group






C17-C18 bond








Mostly plants

Various algae

Various algae


Historical evidence for the importance of chlorophyll in photosynthesis

A simple experiment can show how chlorophyll is associated with photosynthesis. After destarching a leaf from a variegated plant and exposing it to light for several hours, starch can be seen to rapidly accumulate again by staining with iodine solution. Variegated leaves have green areas that contain chlorophyll and white areas that do not. The iodine-stained starch only accumulates in regions of the leaf that were green and therefore contained chlorophyll. This shows that photosynthesis does not occur in areas where chlorophyll is absent, and constitutes evidence that the presence of chlorophyll is a requirement for photosynthesis.

Spectral characterization of chlorophyll

Chlorophyll absorbs at 655nm and 411nm. Chlorophyll fluoresces at 673 nm.

The leaf of the plant there are the chlorophyll and enzyme photo-synthesis in the green body

The leaf of the plant there are the chlorophyll and enzyme in the green body.The chlorophyll can absorb too the sunlight ability to also make by the help of enzyme carbon dioxide and absorb from the plant root of the humidity synthesize a glucose, this kind of reaction process is called photo-synthesis.The photo-synthesis responds sequence according to it successively, can be divided into as follows of two steps:

Light reaction:The chlorophyll absorbs the sun light an ability, chase the humidity solution become[hydrogen] with oxygen, and can produce energy, the oxygen produced then releases to the atmosphere.

Growth of the leaf green body is a very complicated process, being subjected to green body gene(the chloroplast genes) of leaf to adjust to control with the pit gene mutually in the meantime.And in spite of the chemistry structure of the chlorophyll why, it synthesizes process from most the Fu An of the forerunner thing was sour(glutamate) to go to final outcome chlorophyll to can be divided into 15 steps(figure a) at least, all enzymes that participated a catalyst by pit the gene adjusted to control, and at cytoplasmic pit the carbohydrate body synthesized after just transport to the leaf the green body Ji quality(stroma).The chlorophyll combines with particular protein after synthesizing, and the Qian can develop function of catching the light and energy conversion after entering a type the bag film.

Place after darkly winning of plant sprouting, its young sprout because of lack of chlorophyll and only have a little amount of original chlorophyll ester(protochlorophyllide, Pchlide) and present a yellow white.If continue this yellow white young sprout place in blackness, and five ammonias are been sour(5-the aminolevulinic acid) to supply it by four Tongs-Es, this then is originally yellow after few hours white of the young sprout will accumulate in great quantities at first the chlorophyll ester and present yellow green.Chlorophyll that is synthesize process in, by five ammonias four Tongs-Es are sour to go to ten steps of the original chlorophyll ester all and can carry on in the blackness, and enzyme that it needs can also become in the blackness.Belong to the light revivification function(photoreduction) for the chlorophyll ester(chlorophyllide, chlide) from the original chlorophyll ester conversion, by original the chlorophyll ester revivification (The Pchlide reductase)be responsible for a catalyst, and need ray to participate and can complete.Namely thinks in the tradition the chlorophyll synthesizes the demand ray, and becomes the essential thought of the photo-synthesis boundary, because of needing bare of the chlorophyll synthesize path widespread exist in can carry out the cell of the photo-synthesis in.

Above the yellow white young sprout grown in the blackness has a green body of normal leaf of forerunner thing(namely the white turn a body, etioplast), and through five ammonias four Tongs-Es are sour processing of the young sprout lack chlorophyll, but have a great deal of forerunner thing of chlorophyll original the chlorophyll ester and become crystallize form original type bag body(the prolamellar body, PCB).(figure two As)At original type bag body up, at first the chlorophyll ester restore with itConstitute a compound body, once shining on light behind this compound body converts into a compound body of the chlorophyll egg white namely, and original type the bag body then converts into a type a bag film, and has a leaf the green cake and the single layer bag film(figure two Bs)

Dark reaction:Leaf enzyme within green body, makes use of the energy that the above-mentioned light reaction produces with[hydrogen], become the glucose and water to the carbon dioxide conversion.This reaction carries on mainly ising under the influence of enzyme, and shining on with light to have no direct relation, so was called dark reaction.

19 centuries end botanist starts observing to, Zao can exist in the blackness for few years and still keep green, showing the chlorophyll can synthesize in the blackness.This kind of phenomenon is also gradual to find in the light match the germ, Zao, reed, fern and gymnosperm.Hence, chlorophyll's synthesizing can be divided into two major type:One for there is ray to participate of need light to synthesize path, by need original chlorophyll ester of light a revivification (The light-dependent protochlorophyllide reductase) catalyst, as ex- segment describe;Another a kind of then don't need light to synthesize path or dark synthesize path, but by do not need the light original chlorophyll ester revivification (The light-independent protochlorophyllide reductase) catalyst.The light that have already known chlorophyll currently synthesizes with dark synthesize to use same path(figure a) totally, but adjust to control above two greatest revivifications return Of the gene then is totally different.The chlorophyll is dark to synthesize the revivification  neededBy three Xing sConstitute, distinguish by three genes make.This gene hasn't yet found out in the angiosperm.

Dark reaction:Leaf enzyme within green body, makes use of the energy that the above-mentioned light reaction produces with[hydrogen], become the glucose and water to the carbon dioxide conversion.This reaction carries on mainly ising under the influence of enzyme, and shining on with light to have no direct relation, so was called dark reaction.

19 centuries end botanist starts observing to, Zao can exist in the blackness for few years and still keep green, showing the chlorophyll can synthesize in the blackness.This kind of phenomenon is also gradual to find in the light match the germ, Zao, reed, fern and gymnosperm.Hence, chlorophyll's synthesizing can be divided into two major type:One for there is ray to participate of need light to synthesize path, by need original chlorophyll ester of light a revivification (The light-dependent protochlorophyllide reductase) catalyst, as ex- segment describe;Another a kind of then don't need light to synthesize path or dark synthesize path, but by do not need the light original chlorophyll ester revivification (The light-independent protochlorophyllide reductase) catalyst.The light that have already known chlorophyll currently synthesizes with dark synthesize to use same path(figure a) totally, but adjust to control above two greatest revivifications return Of the gene then is totally different.The chlorophyll is dark to synthesize the revivification neededBy three Xing sConstitute, distinguish by three genes make.This gene hasn't yet found out in the angiosperm.

To the 1960's, the plant educational circles still thinks the angiosperm can't synthesize chlorophyll in the blackness, afterward although at oats, the barley, wheat, pea, purple duck Tuo grass, paddy rice, Arabian Jie, tobacco and two kinds of hydrophytes observe to the chlorophyll of dark synthesize phenomenon, also could not find direct evidence.So for few decades, the plant educational circles still can't make sure to evolve process to appear finally of whether angiosperm really can synthesize chlorophyll in the blackness or not.Not only could not find related gene, activity connected and don't needed light at first the chlorophyll ester to restore also could not detect.The above angiosperm is in the blackness although is observed to can synthesize chlorophyll, increment of the quantity is limited;And only the Arabian Jie, tobacco and wheat were from the seed to sprout a stage is placed namely to just move after darkly winning, all of others aring first through shining on the light processing to grow up into darkly in.

The glucose promotes chlorophyll dark synthesize

The horse pulls Ba Li(the Pachira macrocarpa) to belong to an angiosperm, being so called to become rich the tree and American peanut in Taiwan.Place this plant in completely and darkly in 1-2 weeks after, grow of the new-born leaf's beginning is white for Huang, through change into thin yellow green after a period of time.(seal bottom, the diagram A)If the same plant feeds 10% following glucose aqua to grow mutually and meantime with the density of the new-born leaf present and shine on the greenery(seal bottom, the diagram B) of[with] the light plant homology normally, the chlorophyll content then differs many few decuples.It add the horse of the glucose to pull a Ba Li, new-born leaf, in the blackness although at the shape and the top of the color with normal sunshine leaf likeness, its leaf's green body show minute details the photograph greatly different its Qu.When normal the appearance descend only the yellow white young sprout just has the original bag body and only the greenery just have a green cake(granum) of leaf(figure two), the horse pulls Ba Li to feed the new-born leaf who is grown with glucose in the blackness but appear the original bag body and leaf a green cake(figure three) in the meantime, that is only darkly in appear of the original bag body with only have the light shine on under appear of the leaf's green cake is keep both in the meantime.Show from here, the glucose replaced light to shine on to make the function that the original bag body converts into a green cake of leaf apparently.

The reaction type of the photo-synthesis:

The light ability

6CO2  +  12H2O ------>C6H12O6  +  6H2O  +  6O2

Leaf green body

In 1977, smaller greenery the plain and compound body was looked up by the SDS-PAGE.The compound body is rather unsteady to include the much lower percentage greenery vegetable ratio CP I and be assigned name to CPa.It then is found, the CPa is two compound bodies really:By the deliquescence thylakoid film and the octyl gluside( wash away dirt), the Camm and green(18, 19) displayed the appearance of two compound bodies.These compound bodies are assigned name to CP now 47 with CP 43.

The PS II reaction center compares the reaction center of the PS I, is the more compound body P700 is clearly the place turn in the green and compound body CP I. P680 of place, the reaction center greenery plain PS II, the difficult assurance is 680+ Pheos because of P- Refresh to separate rotting in one.The P680 thinks to is the greenery vegetable is each at present two gather a body, at least the condition in ground.

Porphyrin derivatives

The greenery vegetable is basically twos: While being acted for of the porphyrin circle wreath and the phytol.(long of the carbon chain son)The porphyrin circle wreath is the ligand that one excellent knot matches a thing for the Ao, using four nitrogen spirit atoms to tie up severely to arrange in a flat surface of the square to the metals atom that is moderated.There is this many examples to include the heme and the vitamin B12.

The Heme includes the porphyrin likeness and that in the greenery vegetable but with an iron(II) ion center in porphyrin.The Heme is a bright red.At the vertebrates red corpuscle, the heme is certainly to the protein formation hemoglobin.The hemoglobin and oxygen combine in the lung, gill, or the other breathe surface and announce it Be organizing.In the muscle cell, myoglobin, the name is given the hemoglobin store the oxygen conduct and actions an electronics source to oxidize for the energy-releasing in the muscle- Restore reaction.

The property of the chlorophyll

The vegetable is after harvesting, because of its self digest the organic acid that the function produces and will cause the chlorophyll take off a magnesium, the chlorophyll that takes off a magnesium becomes a yellow to go to brown.The cucumber, olives...etc. of the green also lose green easily through pickle, also is because the Po Xiao process creation of the lactic acid make the chlorophyll take off a magnesium, the brown produced turns phenomenon.Spinach while cooking in the Fu, add cover to become Huang easily, open cover and then can keep green, is because the volatility organic acid in the spinach opens cover to be easy to vaporize Yi to spread after being cooked.

The vegetable was handled by the heat of a short time and keeps it green, calling it as to kill Jing(blanching).Under the heat, the compound protein combined together with chlorophyll will change sex concretion, including the chlorophyll decomposition enzyme will also lose an activity, so kill Jing after of vegetable, even the chlorophyll be placed in the environment of the organic acid in can also keep stable green.

The application of the chlorophyll

The magnesium in the chlorophyll structure When the copper or iron replace, then become green and sour copper of leaf or leaf a green and sour iron, the sour environment descends to all stabilize more.Will increase a little amount cupric sulfate to increase and maintain its gorgeous green while making green garden pea can before, but this action is hindrance a health, having already prohibited an usage.

The chlorophyll can be a general food to apply color.Counteracting with penicillin(penocillin) can promote the medical treatment result, having smelly result of take off in the meantime, also often increasing in the toothpaste, chewing gum...etc..

The chlorophyll combines to get to cure

The work grinds a hospital to study with rise an international biotechnology company of Lian to cooperate an usage chlorophyll in the medical treatment, combining the chlorophyll derivatives the new numerator of the light motive treatment, have already put forward four patent applications.In order to increase the people's understanding to the chlorophyll and the photo-synthesis, through the Zhong letter in Hsinchu County teachers and the students in senior high school mobilize greatly, completing global biggest photo-synthesis numerator system model by nine month time construction, will tiny can't see of the chlorophyll numerator structure and the numerator function embody, having education meaning rather. It's the giant numerator structure model's turn to has already programed the application gold surname world record, will be unveiled for the very first time in the third Taiwanese manufacture technology month"manufacture technology big exhibition" in the end of July.Get to cure center director Su new the Sen indicate, the chlorophyll owns "green blood" beautiful call, its numerator structure similar the hemoglobin of mankind's blood, is the most important material in the plant photo-synthesis, the derivatives are been made use of in the medical treatment and health care food etc. extensively.Rise Lian in three years, the front starts grinding a hospital with work to get to cure the center cooperation, that company is extracted by the plant development eight kinds of imitate the chlorophyll derivatives, carry on an anti- to oxidize the ability and the function analysis, and start studying its function to the cancer cell.The work grinds the hospital project a host to allow the Yi Zhi Doctor to indicate, should develop to experiment to have already turned into the second stage animal experiment, after sieving the most suitable derivatives as the lights feeling material, then put great emphasis on confirm to use a medicine density, development time, light shine on time etc. is the best to cure a condition.

Show according to on trial result, two items imitate the chlorophyll derivatives to cure the mouth cavity cancer in the light motive up, have good selectivity, the light feeling function is strong, the toxicity is low, having development potential. Rise the applied result and development that the Lian company aims at the chlorophyll derivatives, have already applied for several patents in Taiwan and the United States.President text the day rise to emphasize, developing of the light Min imitate the chlorophyll derivatives and imitate the chlorophyll compound, matching with the application of the appropriate light source, can give or get an electric shock my national glory on the other hand science and technology bring in to get to cure realm, arousing the Taiwanese medical and surgical equipment and light electricity industry to beat into an international market;Imitate the research of the chlorophyll light feeling toxicity on the other hand, can also lead to the development of my national glory motive treatment medicine, avoid an under the yoke of and foreign pharmaceutical factory, increase the chance and the business opportunities of the cancer treatment.


l Build blood.We calls the natural iron numerator to the chlorophyll to make a material 1:00 also however, the chlorophyll can make the blood of the superior quality.

l Activate enzyme.The chlorophyll is to the manufacturing of enzyme, make it stimulate a function.The chlorophyll and enzyme meet mutually, can be treated as the basic reason that the life can maintain.

l The cellulose is abundant.The fiber exists with chlorophyll together in the leaf of the plant, so took chlorophyll to wait for to take cellulose at the same time.

l Improve constitution.It have in great quantities high-quality vitamin in the chlorophyll with have no the machine quality, match body fluid in of deliver the quality density namely alkalescence.

l Counteract poison.Anti-virus function, the chlorophyll is the best natural antidote.Like carnivorous person or mouth cavity, body to send forth the person of the strange smell particularly, in addition to smelly function(the cancellation halitosis, body odor), as long as take the Shu vegetables juice, the strange flavor of the body disappears then.This is because the chlorophyll in the vegetable causes.In addition, the chlorophyll still prevents infection, prevent maturation from, relieve pain.Promote liver function, counteract poison a function.

l Adjust stomach, bowel

l The end blood vessel extends a function

l Anti- allergic function(bronchus asthma)

l      &nbs


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