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  • 售價: $9,770
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Geranium is about 60 cm long. The flower is pink. The tip of the leaf is pointed and serrated. The essential oil is derived from the distillate leaves. It tastes a little like a rose, and is often faked as a rose essence. However, under fine smell, the geranium bears Lemon flavor can be divided. The main producing area is Reunion Island in the southwest Indian Ocean near Madagascar. The quality produced in France and Morocco is good, and Spain also has production. The essential oil is yellow-green. A few drops of geranium essential oil in the hot water of the foot can achieve the purpose of activating the meridian of the blood, and can also achieve the effect of removing beriberi and foot odor.

Geranium essential oil contains citronellol, citronellic ester, terpenes, geraniol, geraniol, terpineol, citral, menthone, and various trace mineral elements. Its main function is skin regrowth. The active ingredients in geranium extract have a strong affinity with natural organic lipids. Geranium oil is suitable for almost all skin conditions.

Geranium essential oils can relieve pain, converge to antibacterial, penetrate into woven brilliance and strengthen cell defense function. It can deeply cleanse the skin, balance sebum secretion, promote skin cell renewal, repair scars and stretch marks, and is especially suitable for oily skin and acne-prone skin. For acne and smallpox in India have a good effect to ease and eliminate.

Aromatic Odor Editor
Strong comprehensive sweetness, compound taste of rose and mint. The essential oils are colorless or light green, and have a slightly sweet smell. They are somewhat like roses and are often used to make female perfumes.

Main function edit
Analgesic, antibacterial, woven into woven, enhanced cell defense, deodorization, hemostasis, and body-building; in the foot hot water drops a few drops of geranium essential oil, can achieve the purpose of promoting blood circulation meridians, but also to remove beriberi and foot odor Effect.
Apply to all skin, with deep purification and astringent effect, balance sebum secretion;
Promote skin cell regeneration, repair scars and stretch marks.

Skin Editing
Suitable for a variety of skin, can balance the secretion of sebum, make the skin plump; for loose, clogged pores and oily skin is also very good, called a comprehensive cleansing oil;
Geranium can promote blood circulation, making pale skin more ruddy and vibrant;
It may be beneficial for eczema, burns, herpes zoster, herpes, warts, and frostbite.
Blackheads can be directly added to the geranium oil bottle packaging and is a dark-colored bottle of facial cleansing milk in accordance with the international mix to add stirring, cleansing when the nose wash for two more minutes, the blackhead will naturally come out (slightly washable ), Geranium is a natural stain remover.

Psychological Efficacy Editor
To ease anxiety and frustration and boost emotions;
Affect the adrenal cortex, let the psychological balance, relieve stress.
Physiological effect editor
Improve premenstrual syndrome, menopausal problems (frustration, vaginal dryness, excessive menstrual bleeding).
Geranium has diuretic properties and helps detoxify the liver and kidneys.
Strengthen the circulatory system to make the cycle smoother.
Geranium essential oil can make frostbite fade quickly. When used as skin care, our skin looks very shiny. Most importantly, it can treat endometriosis and it can cause menstrual problems, diabetes, blood problems and inflammation of the throat. Nourishing is a good sedative. Geranium is very helpful to cancer. The most basic one is to help patients relax and relieve pain.

Magical oil editing
Geranium essential oil is very charming, with a touch of green, and even its smell is "green." Some people think that its flavor is similar to that of rose oil, but if you feel it carefully, you can tell the difference. Although geranium essential oil's "feminine properties" there is no significant rose. The taste of geranium can be said to be between the sweetness of rose oil and the intense bergamot, and its neutral qualities make it very easy to mix with other essential oils.
(1) The sweet floral notes of geranium make people relaxed and calm, used for incense to create an atmosphere of love and coordination, so for wedding anniversaries, appointments, or gatherings with friends, geranium essential oils can be fragrant. It's easy and simple.
(2) Usually when we wash our hair, we can wash our hair in a pot of warm water and add 2 to 3 days of hollyhock oil. Foam the head into the water with the essential oil, that is, maintain the hair and make the hair Give a faint scent in a few days to increase your female charm. Of course, it can also be directly in the shampoo.
(3) Geranium essential oil is also very suitable for maintaining the skin, it has a clear fragrance and astringent bactericidal effect, which can balance the secretion of sebaceous glands. Dry or combination skin is very suitable for geranium oil, the fresh aroma of geranium and its characteristics, making it a major addition to skin care products.
(4) Geranium essential oil is also an essential oil for people to middle age. Geranium is suitable for a variety of skin types, which promotes circulation of body fluids and restores the radiance and vitality of pale complexion. Therefore, when the age is increased, the skin can hardly maintain glory, and geranium can be used to increase the luster of the skin.
(5) As with all essential oils, geranium has good bactericidal and anti-depressant properties. In addition, it has the effect of astringent and hemostatic, so it is suitable for wound healing and wound healing.
(6) Geranium can effectively kill bacteria in the mouth and throat, so it can be added to mouthwashes and mouthwashes used in sore throats, throat irritation, and gingivitis infections, but it may be difficult to “repay”, so it is generally Use myrrh or thyme, taste more.
(7) Geranium essential oil is particularly suitable for reducing premenstrual tension, and its diuretic function can also help many women reduce the symptoms of premenstrual fluid retention.
(8) Geranium also has a function of stimulating the lymphatic system. This feature, together with its diuretic function, can be used to massage the symptoms of cellulite and ankle edema. These two functions can reinforce each other and coordinate the body to quickly and effectively eliminate excessive body fluids. In fact, geranium essential oil has the function of regulating the liver and kidneys, so it can be used not only when you are sick, but also can help us excrete.
(9) After middle age, the chest is inevitably worried about sagging, and geranium is also the main component of breast massage oil.
(10) With the various physiological symptoms of menopause, such as hot flushes, night sweats, and depression, geranium can also be used to improve. Hormones secreted by adrenal glands are very important regulators that regulate and balance hormones secreted by other organs, including male and female hormones. Therefore, the symptoms of menopause and the problems caused by changes in various hormone concentrations can all be solved with geranium essential oils that can balance hormones.
(11) Geranium is anti-depressant, so people who do not like strong bergamot can use geranium oil instead. When I feel that my work is heavy and my pressure is too great, my emotions suddenly go off. Geranium has a very good balance and coordination effect, it can change a person's extreme attitude, for the pursuit of perfection and people who are obsessed with work, geranium is the best help. Rest assured, it will not reduce your enthusiasm for hard work, it will only help you to maintain a balance between the "heart" and the "brain", eliminate what you often hear, the so-called "should", such as "I should do this , I should do that "" or "I don't want to do it, but I should do it" and so on to coercive psychological behavior and use it to make two distinct selves: logical, analytical, and obsessed with your work. Emotional and spontaneous You were once happy and relaxed who also wanted to be. Keeping balance and letting you pursue perfect personality is done in a good mood.
With oil editing
Basil, bergamot, cedar, sage, grapefruit, jasmine, lavender, orange blossom, sweet orange, petitgrain, rose, rosemary, sandalwood, chamomile (enhance its healing effect), Du Loose (can enhance its sweet taste).

Magic Formula Editor
1, the problem of the skin: wipe, balance sebum secretion, on the loose, clogged pores and oily skin is also very good, called a comprehensive cleansing oil, the skin is more rosy and vibrant.
Emulsion 50ml + Geranium 4 drops + Rose 3 drops + Bergamot 2 drops
2, urinary infection: bath, improve urinary tract infections.
Geranium 3 drops + juniper berries 2 drops + bergamot 3 drops
3, circulatory system: massage, strengthen the circulatory system, has a curative effect on the infection of the throat and the lips, and can calm nerve pain.
Sweet Almond Oil 20ml + Geranium 5 drops + Sandalwood 3 drops + Clary Sage 2 drops
4, female care: massage, regulate hormones, improve the premenstrual syndrome, Gengniansi problems, breast tenderness.
Apricot kernel oil 20 ml + geranium 5 drops + neroli 2 drops + lavender 3 drops
5, heal emotions: incense, boost the spirit, relieve stress.
Geranium 3 drops + grapefruit 3 drops + 2 drops of Eran Ilan
6, sleep massage: good for physical and mental health, but also enhance immunity, but also to make sleep quality better.
Geranium essential oil 1 drop, lavender essential oil 2 drops, base oil 10ml.
7, cramps first aid: leg cramps but very uncomfortable, and quickly soaked in the hot water plus essential oils, will feel much better.
3 drops of geranium essential oil and 5 drops of lavender essential oil.

Precautions Edit
Essential oils are best not taken internally unless directed by an aroma therapist or physician.
2. During the first few months of pregnancy, it is best to avoid the use of essential oils for massage or bathing, as certain essential oils may cause menstrual cramps.
3. Citrus essential oils (bergamot, lemon) can cause the skin to be hypersensitive to sunlight. Therefore, do not expose your skin to sunlight for eight hours after use.
4. Patients with high blood pressure, sputum disorders, neurological and renal disorders should use it with caution. Some essential oils such as cypress, rosemary, it is best to consult a physician or aroma therapist before use.
5. Essential oils cannot replace drugs. Therefore, if symptoms do not improve after use, be sure to see a doctor. Never use the essential oils to give up drugs that were already in use.
Please use as recommended. Excessive use can lead to counterproductive effects and even cause excessive strain on the body. In particular, overdose of ylang ylang and sage causes drowsiness and should be avoided when drinking or driving.
7. Pure essential oils must be diluted before use unless there are other special recommendations.
8. Please avoid direct contact with children to avoid misuse and danger.
Essential oils must be stored in well-sealed glass bottles that are dark and placed in a cool place away from direct sunlight. To extend the life of essential oils and ensure the efficacy of essential oils.
11. Do not use essential oils for newborns (within 2 weeks). Lavender can be applied to the tub in 2 weeks. All essential oils for children under 12 must be diluted to 1/4 of adult use (Adult 1, Children 1/4). 12 years or older is 1/2 of adult usage.
L2. Most people can safely use and safely use this product, and a small number of allergic persons do small-scale trials before use. This product may have an allergic reaction to a small number of people. If you have any discomfort, please stop using it and consult your doctor.
It may be irritating to certain sensitive skin and can regulate hormones, so it should not be used during pregnancy.


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